
Fix error occured while installing sqlite3

Ruby on Rails error on CentOS 6.2 gem install sqlite3 -v ‘1.3.5’ Installing sqlite3 (1.3.5) with native extensions Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension An error occured while installing sqlite3 (1.3.5), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install sqlite3 -v ‘1.3.5’` succeeds before bundling An error…

Apple Bake

Baking a Macbook Pro Logic Board Had a 2008 Macbook Pro that had the black screen of death…no video, but could hear hard drive,fans and etc spinning. Found out it would cost $300-$400 to have it sent away and fixed…. Saw this on youtube: Tried it and it worked!…